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Privacy Policy provided pursuant to EU Regulation/2016/679

In compliance with the provisions of EU Regulation/2016/679, we provide below the necessary information relating to the processing of your personal data by us.

Source and purpose of the treatment

The personal data in our possession are provided directly by interested parties such as Customers, Collaborators, Agents/Representatives, Partners or anyone who has a specific mandate on the occasion of offers and/or during an employment relationship, a request for services or a supply proposal. Personal data is processed as part of the normal activity of our company for purposes connected and instrumental to the management of contractual relationships, such as common commercial relationships or the basic provision of services.

Processing methods

The data can be processed in written form on paper, magnetic, electronic or telematic support, with suitable tools to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the same. Their treatment can also be carried out through automated tools designed to memorize, manage and transmit the data.

Scope of communication and dissemination

Your data, subject to processing, may subsequently be communicated, by way of example, to:

Credit Institutions, for the following purposes:
to issue RIBA/RID on our behalf;
to make transfers.
Suppliers, for the following purposes:
for requesting quotes;
to issue orders for the supply of services.
The same data will be disclosed at:
Professional, Consulting and Data Processing Studies, for the fulfillment of accounting and tax obligations. Any further communication or dissemination will take place only with your explicit consent.

Nature of the contribution

The provision of data is mandatory for you as it is necessary for the fulfillment of contractual, accounting and tax obligations. The owner also informs that any non-communication, incorrect communication, of one of the mandatory information, or the lack of acceptance of this Information, has the following consequences:

the impossibility of the Data Controller to guarantee the adequacy of the treatment itself to the contractual agreements for which it is performed;
the possible non-correspondence of the results of the treatment itself to the obligations imposed by the tax, administrative and work legislation to which it is addressed;
the provision of the services themselves.

Storage period

The data collected both in digital and paper format will be kept for the mandatory retention period for accounting and tax purposes and for the entire duration of the active service supply contract. In the event of termination of the supply relationship, the data will be kept for 24 months. In the event that the data collected is not related to the provision of a contracted service, it will be kept for 6 months following the episode that led to its collection.

Rights of the interested party

The GDPR grants you a series of rights, namely: you have the right to access your data, to request their rectification, cancellation or limitation of processing, to oppose their processing; You also have the right to the portability of your data. To better understand these rights, we remind you that they are listed in articles 15 (right of access), 16 (right of rectification), 17 (right of cancellation), 18 (right of limitation of treatment), 20 (right to the portability of data) and 21 (right of opposition) of the repeatedly referred to GDPR.

Contact details for the exercise of your rights

Please note that this document constitutes our “Privacy Policy”. It may be subject to updates or changes especially due to the entry into force of new regulations. The rights referred to in the previous point (Rights of the interested party) can be exercised by contacting our Company: Laza –Via Divisione Folgore, 49 36100 VICENZA – Italy E-mail: Tel: 0444.927570


Via Divisione Folgore, 49
36100 VICENZA – Italy
Phone: +39 0444 927570

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